When I found this suitcase I didn't know how I would use it, but after a few days I knew what I was going to do with it. It has now become my sewing case. When I'm working on a project I like to hangout in the same room with my family so this allows me to carry the necessities with me.
I found this suitcase at the local antique store for $7.50, the case was a little beat up on the inside so I decided to tear it out and start from scratch.
After tearing out the lining, I used a cardboard box and a vintage sheet to fashion a new lining that would become a peg board for my sewing tools.
I used some paint that was left over from my daughters room redo to spruce up the interior. Then all I needed to do was add some pretty fabric, a box to hold piece work, bottles to hold pins, and a pin cushion. Finally, after a day of work and $8.50 my sewing case was complete. Now onto the larger suitcase.